Artist Trust Auction 2021

Artist Trust Auction 2021

An online art sale in support of artists and Artist Trust

featuring works by 50+ artists!

April 8 - 28, 2021

Online viewing 24/7

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Washington State artists inspired us with their resiliency: creating murals that centered calls for racial and economic justice, bringing people together for online performances, organizing for community action, and supporting other artists in need. But we also know that artists were among the hardest hit from this crisis, and that they will continue to need our support more than ever.

Our annual auction remains an important part of how we fund our grants and other services for Washington State artists. New this year, donating artists will receive an increased commission of 50% of the sale price of their piece! All other proceeds benefit Artist Trust's funding, training, and resources for individual artists of all disciplines across Washington State.

Presented with support from the Klorfine Foundation and Vulcan

Want to donate? Go HERE to participate in Fund the Artists!

Go HERE for a step-by-step guide on how to register and bid

Artwork is available for pickup May 6-8, 12-4pm at Artist Trust, 1835 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122

Auction Items

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Artist Trust Auction 2021

by Artist Trust
Date & Time

Starts: Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 6:00 pm PDT

Ends: Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 10:00 pm PDT

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